
is owned by Spear Enterprises Inc

Spear Enterprises Inc is a


Which qualifies it to present the Verified Business™ badge on

Verified Phone: 509-893-0820 Verified Email:
  • Spear Enterprises Inc

Status: Active

Creation Date: 03-30-1984

Spear Enterprises Inc. is a Verified Business™ in Washington State. We have verified it was incorporated on March 30, 1984. The Washington Corporations Division UBI number was reported as 600528098. Spear Enterprises is a Corporation in good standing with the WA Secretary of State.

Corporate records are pulled from the Washington State Corporations Division:

  • Mailing Address

9116 E Sprague Ave #421

Spokane Valley, WA 99206

We have verified the company’s mailing address. The address is located at 9116 E Sprague Ave #421 in Spokane Valley, Washington 99206.

We verified the mailing address by sending a Verified Business™ Mailing Address Confirmation Form to the listed address. The company responded by returning the form with its unique Verified Business™ Number.

  • Registered Agent Information

Agent Name: Mark Spear

Agent Mailing/Physical Address:

1306 N Blake Rd Apt A

Spokane Valley, WA 99216

We have verified the company’s Washington registered agent. A registered agent is listed with the Secretary of State and is legally required by Washington State law.

We verified the registered agent by conducting a public records search with the Washington Corporations Division.e sent a unique code to the registered agent and the client had to obtain the code from the registered agent and provide it to us to obtain Verified Business™ status.

  • Stakeholders

President: Mark Spear

Secretary: Karen Spear

Treasurer: Karen Spear

Director: Karen Spear and Mark Spear

We have verified the stakeholders of the company: President Mark Spear, Secretary Karen Spear, Treasurer Karen Spear and Directors Karen Spear and Mark Spear. These individuals are listed as members/managers of the company on the company’s Certificate of Formation.

We verify corporate records filed in Washington to determine that a stakeholder listed on the company website is indeed an official stakeholder having the ability to make decisions for the professional corporation.

We verified the stakeholders through a public records search with the Washington Corporations Division. These individuals are listed on the formation documents filed with the Secretary of State.

  • Website Details

Registration Date: 03-21-2000

Registration History: has been under Mark Spear registration controls since the initial registration date.

Website Contact Info matches the domain registration info that controls the domain: 

Mark Spear

9116 E Sprague Ave #421

Spokane Valley, WA 99206


All domains have to be publicly registered with a domain registrar. The information listed in a domain registry is what controls that domain. We verify that the information the Verified Business™ advertises is authentic and valid.

We verify the domain information as listed with the public domain registries.

  • About Spear Enterprises Inc


• Buyer’s Agent
• Listing Agent
• Relocation for those moving to the Spokane area
• Military Relocation Professional
• Consulting
• Helping people who are moving to a new and unknown area find a good realtor.

As a full time Realtor since 2000, I am dedicated to providing the kind of service that my clients both demand and expect. My team and I have helped 100’s and 100’s of buyers and sellers meet their real estate goals.  I look forward to also assisting you as you buy or sell your next home.


• To consistently provide the highest quality, most innovative and exceptional real estate services available.
• To always provide value far in excess of our client’s expectations.
• To provide such a high level of service that our clients become enthusiastic advocates with whom we can develop long term relationships that are mutually beneficial.
• To enrich the lives of others along our journey and to leave each person better when we part than when we met.
• To invest our time wisely in the pursuit of personal development, so that as we continually improve ourselves we may be better to serve our clients.



I am a Realtor and belong to the:
• Spokane Association of Realtors®
•  Washington State Association of Realtors®
•  National Association of Realtors®



As a Realtor®, I agree to abide by the Code of Ethics, which establishes levels of conduct that are higher than ordinary business practices or those required by law–you are dealing with an agent that you can trust.